Hope & Help
For Persecuted Christians
Encouraging believers to know what their persecuted brothers and sisters are facing, so they can enter into fellowship with them and pray, and give to help persecuted Christians with their needs.

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Stories of hope from the Front Lines

How ICR Serves the Global Church

ICR supports our fellow believers as they endure persecution by meeting their urgent spiritual and physical needs.
Hebrews 13:3

ICR partners with the local church by finding indigenous, godly leaders who are making disciples and building up the body of Christ and equipping them with
the tools they need.
Ephesians 4:11-12

ICR supports kingdom advancement efforts through initiatives focused
on evangelism, discipleship, and
church planting.
Matthew 28:18-20
Ways to get involved
How you can help

1. Know
2. Pray
3. Give
4. Become an Ambassador
Find out how you can support our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
ICR offers practical ways to support the global church’s urgent spiritual and physical needs. With many different ways to get involved, everyone can support persecuted Christians.
Learn how ICR has been serving persecuted Christians for more than 50 years and established a broad network of trustworthy partners.
See how ICR carefully stewards donor funds to support the persecuted, equip local churches, and advance the gospel in hostile countries.

Free Monthly Newsletter
Sign up to receive ICR’s free monthly newsletter in the mail. If you prefer your news to arrive in your inbox, sign up to get it delivered electronically.
Each newsletter includes stories of hope about persecuted Christians and detailed prayer requests.