Be equipped to mobilize.
What is an Ambassador?
Partnering with local churches is a priority for ICR.

ICR has helped me to become a global Christian.
ICR has helped me to become a global Christian, which has brought a richness and joy to my life that is hard to put in words. The relationship with our persecuted brethren is a two-way relationship. Their testimonies and their faithfulness and their hunger for God, the gospel & His Word speaks volumes to me. … Keep those stories coming!
Pastor Bart Stickney
If you're searching for a cause worth fighting for - this is it.
Jillian and Dusty S.
ICR has had a significant impact on me.
ICR has had a significant impact on me as an important colleague by providing opportunities for growth, support, and progress in various aspects to realize organizational goals through me as a leader. ICR also greatly helps increase credibility and visibility, reaching more people into the organization’s mission and activities.
ICR partner in Southeast Asia
ICR is interested in quality, not quantity.
ICR is the best partner we pray to have, because:
ICR has a vision.
ICR is a real family that listens and acts.
ICR is interested in quality, not quantity.
On behalf of myself, my family and all the members of the church, we thank our Lord for ICR and for all the brothers and sisters who continue to pray for us and support us with great love and respect.
ICR partner in North Africa
Request for information on becoming an ambassador.
Learn more about how you can be a part of God’s work to support our persecuted brothers and sisters.