Pray for Pakistan

Pray for Pakistan

Pray for persecuted Christians to persevere. Pray that Pakistan does not implement Shariah (Islamic) law. Pray for people from higher social classes to come to faith. Pray that God meets radical Muslims in a supernatural way. Pray that God will give secret believers...

SNAPSHOT: Pakistan

SNAPSHOT: Pakistan

Pakistan is the fifth-largest country by population in the world. It’s not illegal to be a Christian, but they are only about 1% of the population. Most Pakistanis are Muslim (about 97%). Pakistan’s historic Christian population dates to 1947, when Pakistan and India...

Meet Bina

Meet Bina

Meet Bina. Bina’s father was a Christian living in Pakistan. His neighbors pressured him to convert to Islam, but he refused. One day, as he went to the village well to bathe—just like everyone else—a mob of men attacked him with iron rods. They accused him of...

Syria: “We don’t know what will happen”

Syria: “We don’t know what will happen”

They came without warning in the middle of the week. The coalition of armed rebel groups swept into Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, overwhelming it in a matter of 72 hours.  On the ground, people were terrified. Syrian government forces had driven the Islamist...

SNAPSHOT: Syria in Turmoil

SNAPSHOT: Syria in Turmoil

Year Syrian revolution started: 2011 Number of Syrians who left the country: 6 million Number of Christians in 2020: 677,000 Comment from ICR field worker: “What will happen to Syria when the world looks away?”

SNAPSHOT: Helping Persecuted Children

SNAPSHOT: Helping Persecuted Children

ICR seeks to address the needs of persecuted children in ways that are appropriate in each context. Helping children often involves education. Part of this is simply so they don’t fall behind in school due to displacement or war, but another reason why this support is...

Children Under Persecution

Children Under Persecution

PERSECUTION AFFECTS CHILDREN. And it’s usually because of their parents’ choice to follow Christ rather than something they chose themselves. This suffering can cause deep trauma. The children of persecuted Christians may lose homes, family relationships, and even future opportunities when they miss years of school or when their families lose jobs.

Life in Syria

Life in Syria

As another conflict brews in Syria, ICR workers already saw how difficult life there was. Another war will only make things worse. A recent study by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Syria showed that most Syrians live on one meal per day. According to the study,...