News & Stories
Update: Christians in Gaza
August 19, 2024

Christians in Gaza continue to suffer the effects of the ongoing war. The brutal conflict has ravaged the region, leaving many without homes, food, or clean water. As the infrastructure collapses, the need for immediate humanitarian aid has become critical.

“Many people only have one meal a day and most often that is from canned food and clean drinking water is a major issue and emergency need. The situation is dire now,” ICR partner Yousuf shared.

Since the war began, Gaza’s local infrastructure has been decimated. Displaced families now face severe shortages of food and water. With farmlands destroyed and supply chains disrupted, the northern part of Gaza is particularly hard-hit, struggling with a vast lack of essential supplies. The small Christian community faces an unprecedented crisis.

ICR is committed to supporting our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Working through trusted partners on the ground, we are ensuring that aid reaches those who need it most. Our efforts include:

  • Distributing food and clean drinking water to families across multiple locations.
  • Offering counseling and trauma care for war-affected children through local partners.

The Christian community in Gaza, though a small minority, is a beacon of hope during this time in Gaza.


How You Can Make a Difference

  1. Pray: Lift up our brothers and sisters in Gaza in your prayers, asking for God's protection and provision.
  2. Donate: Your financial support can help us reach more families with essential aid. Each $25 donation will provide a food package to feed a family for one month.
  3. Spread the word: Share this message with your community, raising awareness of the plight of Christians in Gaza.

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