News & Stories
July 11, 2024

“Iran happens to be one of the most complicated, problematic regions across the Middle East,” an ICR partner from Iran said.

But God is not hampered by political problems. For at least the last 10 years, Iran has also had one of the fastest growing churches among places where Christianity is restricted. Iranians are hungry for truth after decades of an Islamic theocracy.

Many Iranians hear the gospel through satellite TV, internet, or radio ministries broadcasting into the country from outside. Once they become believers, there is little opportunity to meet with other believers and grow in their faith. Bibles can be hard to come by. And since the Iranian government systematically targets church leaders for arrest or deportation, many of the new believers do not have much knowledge or maturity in their faith.

While government persecution against Christians has always been intense, national protests that began in September 2022 sparked a renewed government crackdown against Christians, making 2023 one of the most difficult years ever for believers in Iran.

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