Abdullah was once a Muslim extremist.
He belonged to a group of terrorists who fought against the authorities and anyone who opposed their ideology. His life was characterized by violence and unwavering allegiance to his cause—until everything changed.
Arrested and imprisoned, Abdullah found himself questioning his beliefs. He wondered, how could a God who created humanity command him to kill and terrorize others? The more he reflected, the more he struggled with the idea that God would order such destruction.
One night, Abdullah had a dream. In it, Jesus appeared and said, “I am life and I give life. It is the devil whotakes life.”
Abdullah responded, “I want what you have, Jesus.”
And Jesus gave him life.
Though he had no Bible, Abdullah nurtured his new faith. His heart was transformed, filled with peace, joy,happiness, and love. No longer consumed by hatred, he embraced a new purpose.
After eleven years, he was parole. When he returned home, his family expected the hardened terrorist they had known before. But Abdullah was different. He had been changed by the love of Christ. He began to sharethe love of Jesus with his family, and one by one, the whole family came to Christ.
The transformation did not stop there. He also witnessed to his brother’s and sister’s families, who also embraced Christ. His younger son, eager to find other North African Christians, searched social media and connected to an ICR partner.
When the ICR partners visited, they expected to meet one Christian. Instead, they discovered an entire community of believers —three families united in faith.
Abdullah’s transformation did not go unnoticed. His former terrorist associates were angered by his change and viewed him as a traitor. Facing threats, he was forced to relocate. Yet, even in a new region, he continues to share the love of Christ, bearing witness to the power of redemption.