One of ICR’s main functions in the U.S. is to share stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Through five meetings for ICR Ambassadors hosted in churches and homes, three conferences and a dinner, Christians have gathered to learn about what their brothers and sisters are experiencing in difficult places.
“After nearly every one of these meetings, people tell us they hadn’t really understood before what their brothers and sisters were enduring,” ICR director Joe said.
These meetings and events provide opportunities for believers to hear what is going on and to interact with Christians who have lived through persecution themselves. After these in-person events, people are mobilized to pray and serve the persecuted. There is excitement for them to act on what they have learned. Often, they go back to their own churches and share what they learned, because they want other believers to know what is going on.
“We want to be the bridge between Christians here in America and Christians living in tough places,” Joe said.