Make an Impact
Your Giving Lets Persecuted Christians Know They Are Not Alone
Thank you for partnering so generously with us financially and through prayer to help persecuted Christians. Your gifts get them out of dangerous situations, provides for their needs, and equips them to continue sharing Christ in their home countries, all in partnership with the local church. You also enable ICR to bring the message of the persecuted church to Christians in the US to draw them into fellowship together.

Give Online
Your online gifts through our donation platform are processed quickly and generate receipts.
If you prefer to give via PayPal, use this link (works for international donors).
Please mail your gift to:
P.O. Box 611
Lynden, WA 98264
Creative Giving
Would you like to support ICR in some other way, through a will, trust, qualified charitable donation,
or in-kind good? Contact us.
or call (360) 201-3961.
ICR has stood with us in the expansion of our ministry.
Supporting leadership without interfering.
Loving and caring for leaders through a personal relationship.
A long-term relationship not based on just a project.
ICR partner in North Africa
I love the integrity of ICR and how their funds go directly to the front lines.
Lyla P.
They provide real help, not just talk.
ICR partner in Southeast Asia
I feel honored to be a “silent” partner in this amazing ministry.
Tina M.
ICR has helped us to hold seminars and training courses.
ICR partner in North Africa
ICR is a rock that we can rely on.
ICR partner in North Africa
ICR is trustworthy and fiscally efficient.
Dominic S.
ICR has been a partner for more than 20 years.
ICR partner in North Africa
In my experience, ICR is a powerful and faithful partner that empowers local ministries effectively.
ICR partner in Southeast Asia
We first heard about ICR when they were running an outreach campaign on our favorite radio station.
Since then, we have been part of the ICR family and learned more about who they are, their mission and their vision. It’s impossible not to want to support what they are fighting for, which is for the Kingdom’s cause.