Voices of the Persecuted Florida, Nov. 8-9, 2024

Voices of the Persecuted Florida, Nov. 8-9, 2024

Join us as we hear about God’s activity among our Christian brothers and sisters living in very difficult places. Believers often face opposition and experience persecution for their identity in Christ and their faithful witness. Come and hear stories from ICR’s guest speakers that provide greater insight into how persecution affects members of the global body. Listen to unique challenges and amazing opportunities that God has put in front of the global church and discover practical ways how you can get involved.

Meal(s) covered by purchase of ticket (ticket is still required even if you do not plan on staying for any meals).

The schedule for this event is slightly different. The event will run Friday evening through Saturday midday.



5:00-5:30             Evening Registration

5:30-5:40             Introduction to ICR

5:40-6:20             Speaker 1

6:20-6:30              Prayer

6:30 ~                   Dinner


8:00-8:30             Morning Registration

8:30-8:45             Welcome/Intro to ICR

8:45-9:40             Speaker 2

9:40-9:50             Prayer

9:50-10:05           Break

10:05-11:00          Speaker 3

11:00-11:10          Prayer

11:10-11:25          Break

11:25-12:00          Q&A Time

12:00-12:15         Closing & Prayer for Lunch

12:15~                 Lunch

Speaker Bios

Sister D. was born into an Assyrian Christian family in Iran. Growing up, she faced relentless harassment and persecution due to her faith. Her commitment to the church led to multiple arrests, and she was frequently threatened by authorities to cooperate against her own family and colleagues. She also witnessed friends and family members who were imprisoned and beaten for their beliefs. In 2010, Sister D. left Iran. Today, she is serving in an evangelical church and is a dedicated advocate for persecuted Christians in Iran. Sister D is eager to raise awareness, prayer, and support for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Iran.

Brother P. grew up behind the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe and learned as a child the importance of swimming against the current. He witnessed his parents having problems at work because of their faith in Jesus Christ and learned in his early years that difficulties and headwinds are part of life and that you must fight for worthy things. He was impressed by the courage of Christians from the free West who travelled to Eastern Europe with Bibles and who did all they could to support pastors and churches in Communist countries. Today, Brother P. travels to countries where Christians are under enormous pressure and encourages them.

Brother J. and Sister M. have served in Nigeria for the last 15 years. They founded Grace Gardens, which assists both persecuted Christians and victims of sexual exploitation. Grace Gardens has ministered to over 300,000 persecuted believers living in the most dangerous parts of northern Nigeria. Brother J. also founded CGR, a business that provides jobs for persecuted Christians and equips the local church. Brother J. and Sister M. have seven children and one grandchild.